10 queer and trans country artists for your big gay twangy summer playlist

Jesse Locke
July 4, 2024
Xtra Magazine

It’s a great time to be a queer country music fan. Whether you’re a new devotee to Lil Nas X, Trixie Mattel and Orville Peck, or a longtime listener of sparkly rhinestone icons such as Dolly Parton, Lavender Country and Tomson Highway, big gay twangy summer is upon us.

A person with a mustache in a dark space suit holds an astronaut helmet above their head, bathed in dramatic blue lighting.
Photo Credit:
Brandynn L.P. Photography


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Rainbow Rodeo: Playlist

A bi-montly playlist celebrating queer country, Americana, blues, and roots music.

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eQuality Events

eQuality Events creates extraordinary opportunities where music can transcend gender, identity, genre, color, or who you love. It creates safe, welcoming, authentic, and affirming concerts and events that build communities and celebrates how music keeps us in tune with who we are and who we aspire to become. It seeks to change the narrative, create lanes, and open minds so that we focus on how being human is what unites us as human beings.

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Gay Ole Opry

Why queer country music? Because sometimes you love a culture that doesn’t love you back. And when everyone came to the first Gay Ole Opry in April of 2011 in all their country finery, we knew we weren’t alone. We do it because we love the music and want to build a community to support queer country musicians.

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