Beyoncé Going Country Is Already Causing All This Conversation
Thanks to the Beyoncé effect, the country music industry is experiencing an awakening of Black artists’ collective contributions to it. So far, the pinnacle moment has increased listenership for country music, boosting the streams of several other Black female artists, like Guyton, Tanner Adell, and Reyna Roberts. Next, the hope is that her new album will eliminate the limitations and racist structure of mainstream country radio and finally give all Black country artists the platform they’re owed. “Although these are the ongoing realities of our community,” says Davenport, “we are hopeful that with the recent increase in visibility on various Black country artists (like The Kentucky Gentlemen, Denitia, Julie Williams, Aaron Vance, Roberta Lea, Tylar Bryant, [etc.]) that expectations will finally begin to be met by many institutions that have claimed to be celebrating this moment that Beyoncé is giving the world right now.”