Brooke Eden Talks Coming Out, Country Music, & Trisha Yearwood

Jason Parsley
March 22, 2024

Eden, a rising country star, who lives in Nashville with her wife Hilary Hoover, is unapologetically out and proud. But that wasn’t always the case. For years, Eden attempted to live a double life, which led to ulcers in her small intestine. “I got really, really sick. I actually had to go off the road for a couple of years to heal my body from that,” she said. “Just like from the stress of living a double life and always trying to not say the wrong pronoun or not slip up. So mental health definitely becomes physical health";

Brooke Eden sits on the road in designer shredded jeans and white cowboy hat
Photo Credit:
Ford Fairchild


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Boots Off | A shoes off AAPI Playlist

(SHUFFLE ONLY) Classics and fresh bangers by Asian And Pacific Islander country artists! Curated by Shoes Off Nashville with the goal of balancing Asian And Pacific Islander representation to the best of its ability. Want to add a song? DM us on social media @shoesoffnash!

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Country Universe

The longest-running country music blog, Country Universe was founded on and remains committed to the fact-based notion that country music has never been the exclusive purview of artists who are straight, white, Christian, Southern, and (mostly) men. When focusing on either the genre's history or its present, CU takes a "big tent" approach to the broader country universe and believes that a foundation of empathy makes country music an essential part of our shared popular culture.

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Country Anyway

Created with the underdogs of country music in mind. We are committed to uplifting and celebrating fans, artists and industry professionals that don't fit the country music mold.

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