Guitarist Jackie Venson on Her Instrumental Peer, Yasmin Williams

Jackie Venson
October 18, 2024
The Bluegrass Situation

To listen to the music of Yasmin Williams is to listen to the thrill of musical mutation in action, to hear and feel playing that is in constant communication, not only with itself, but with myriad styles and personalities. Given how adventurous and playful Williams’ music is, it’s not too surprising that her gateway to music was in fact a video game, specifically Guitar Hero 2.

Yasmin Williams a Black woman with braided hair plays guitar, wearing a colorful tribal-patterned shirt against a softly blended purple and blue background. The text "Artist of the Month YASMIN WILLIAMS" is displayed at the top.
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Rainbow Rodeo

Rainbow Rodeo is YOUR queer country site, featuring art, essays, podcasts, interviews, and stories curated by the community, for the community. The articles are collected into a physical zine twice a year.

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