Ismay growing up Hardly Strictly Bluegrass

February 26, 2024
The Bluegrass Situation

When I was 8 years old, my grandfather Warren started a free bluegrass festival in San Francisco called Hardly Strictly Bluegrass. These artists shaped me since they were the first ones I watched perform, but the connection went on to become even deeper. When my grandfather passed away in 2011 I started performing music, and the larger community of Hardly Strictly was where I found my encouragers and mentors.

ISMAY with sunset behind
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Bluegrass Pride

Our mission is to recruit, encourage, and support LGBTQ+ bluegrassers of all levels, promoting their advancement and acceptance within all areas of the bluegrass music industry and musical community. We aim to uplift the genre of bluegrass as a whole to receive LGBTQ+ folks openly, and to promote allyship with all marginalized peoples within the industry and musical community.

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Fist City

Queer country radio based out of Belfast Ireland

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Country Music Against White Supremacy

a group of BIPOC and white musicians, fans, and industry representatives committed to fighting white supremacy in country music. Take the #ChangeCountry Pledge.

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