Out Now: Ally Westover

Sara Gougeon
September 6, 2024
The Bluegrass Situation

Ally Westover is a Nashville-based artist known for a blend of lullaby-like sounds and groovy indie-folk tunes, stitched together with warmth, imagery, and honesty. Her new single, “Rotten Milk” (available September 6), is an exploration of queer identity. The lyrics circle relatable themes like love gone sour and compulsory heterosexuality – a term coined by Adrienne Rich to describe societal expectations queer women face around conforming to heterosexual norms. The concept resonates with many queer women who struggle to navigate their identities.

Promotional image featuring a woman with blonde bangs looking off-screen, overlaid with vibrant graphics and text "OUT NOW" and "ALLY WESTOVER" in colorful, bold letters.
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