These Berklee Students Helped Create Ensembles for Women and Non-Binary Folks

Emma Turoff
September 9, 2024
The Bluegrass Situation

“Bluegrass music is a truly American artform. It reflects the culture and the time in which it’s created, and as with many traditional artforms, a preservationist stance is held on a pedestal. Bluegrass music’s history is very gendered, and when this happens, the music can’t reach its full potential.” My teacher Laura Orshaw told me this. There has been no shortage of amazing women bluegrass musicians to come out of the roots department at Berklee College of Music. Gillian Welch, Sierra Hull, Molly Tuttle, Bronwyn Keith-Hynes, and on and on. I’m going into my senior year at Berklee this fall as a mandolin principle, and one of the reasons I went to Berklee was how inspired I was by these women and their music.

A group of eight diverse women in a room filled with books, smiling and holding musical instruments: guitars, a banjo, a mandolin, violins, and a double bass.
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